「あ、ゆりちゃん!わ~、きれ~い」 照明デザイナーのゆりさん


Fuga from Andrew Gooi on Vimeo.
"Fuga" is the latest artwork of light artist, Yuri Kinoshita (yurikinoshita.com).
Fuga is the concept of Illumination of falling leaves to celebrate life’s joy.
This artwork is handmade with 4800 LED lights wrapped in 2500 silk cocoons
donated by the Japanese silk company, Marusugi.

50,000 pieces of paper leaves were cut and used to simulate the falling leaves.
Also, the trunk of this artwork was wrapped with dyed bamboo and linen fiber - around a fabricated steel frame with support from fabricator, Rob Hendrickson.

Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Andrew Gooi
Producer: Takumi Ohno



このショートムービーに写っている作品 『風雅  Fuga』 が公開された日に息子と一緒に見に行ったら、




このショートムービーを見せると、 「あ、ゆりちゃん!わ~、きれい」 と、再生しまくり。
