Family event with my favorite photo sharing “Mitene” & the famous YouTuber, bilingirl Chika-san!

It was such an honor to do an event with my favorite photo sharing app called “Mitene” and the famous YouTuber, bilingirl Chika-san, her fans (and junglecity users!) in Seattle!

I started using the app in 2016 after reading an article about why Kasahara-san, the founder and now the chairman of Mixi, came to develop and launch this app. His daughters were born only like 15 months apart, and he and his wife wanted to share photos more easily from their phones only with those who they invite through the app in a super tight and demanding schedule.

“Mitene” appeared to me like a saver! I was having a hard time with updating my family blog about our son for my parents at daily basis like a good daughter when I was a new mom and running junglecity and because I like to do everything 100%! It took a bit of work to convince my parents to switch, but they had to bend because I just had no time! After 2.5 years, they have come to love more frequent share of pictures and videos from my smartphone and write comments and questions to communicate with us.

In the app, all the photos uploaded from your smartphone are automatically organized by month in order they were taken. You can also comment on each photo/video, check the list of recent comments in order they were posted, and you can choose whether you'd like to use app or web browser on computers for it. Overall, it’s an easy and organized approach to keep in touch with family members for us. Also, it's free, and no ads are displayed!

This morning, my son said “I wanted to go to your event!” I said, “I wish you could, but you were too big for the event with toddlers and babies.” He replied, “I could help or I could become a baby again!” Yeah, I do miss his baby days after seeing so many babies at this event!


ちかさん、おさるさん、プリンちゃんにとっては初の親子連れイベントで、『みてね』にとっては初のシアトルでのイベント。いろいろな「初」が重なった、楽しい時間でした! 私がこのアプリを知ったのは、ミクシィの創業者で現会長の笠原さんがこのアプリの開発に対する熱い想いを語ってらっしゃる記事でした。


